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St Josephs Primary School Carnacavill

Board Of Governors

Every school has a Board of Governors which includes parent and teacher members, members who represent the origins or owners of the school and members from the general public with an interest in education. 

A Board of Governors reflects a mix of ages, life skills, experiences and aspirations. Specific skills in areas such as finance, human resources, child welfare and special educational needs are valuable.

Many of the Governors are not education experts. They work in partnership with school staff to provide the best possible standards of education. Being a governor can be a rewarding experience as it offers the opportunity to work with others to help young people to achieve their full potential at school.

The Board of Governors plays an important role. It provides:

  • Strategic management.
  • Constructive support.
  • Accountability.

The Principal is responsible for the day to day management of the school. The Board of Governors is involved in the selection and appointment of the Principal and ensures that the school delivers a good education, both religious and secular, for its pupils and promotes high standards of education and achievement.

The Board of Governors sets the aims of the school and allocates and controls the school’s budget and has other important responsibilities.

Boards of Governors generally meets once each school term. They usually set up committees to deal with particular issues, e.g. finance or staffing, which meet more frequently.

Our present governors, were reconstituted in May 2018.




The Governors are appointed to assist the school in delivering the curriculum to all the children and should never be contacted personally about any matter pertaining to school.


Please refer to the Complaints Procedure, Child Protection Policy or Pastoral Care Policy in the event of any concerns you may have regarding the welfare of the children.