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St Josephs Primary School Carnacavill

Primary 7 Investigate Density

26th Jan 2022

Today, in Primary 7 we carried out an investigation all about the density of different liquids. As part of our World Around Us topic, ‘The Rainforest’, we explored the natural phenomenon known as the ‘Meeting of the Waters’ in Manaus, Brazil. It is here that the Amazon River meets the River Negro. Strangely, as the two rivers converge, they do not mix. Primary 7 were able to explain that this was due to the different densities of the two rivers. We then carried out an investigation which highlighted the effect density can have on liquids. We poured maple syrup, milk, washing up liquid and cooking oil into the same container and like the two rivers they remained separate from one another. The whole class took part and contributed with thoughtful suggestions and everyone worked well as as a team. Well done Primary 7!